Ghost Cat Anzu

In Japanese Language with English Subtitles Karin, 11 years old, finds herself abandoned by her father in a small Japanese town, where her grandfather, a monk, resides. Her grandfather asks Anzu, his jovial and helpful, although rather capricious, ghost cat, to look after her. As their spirited personalities collide, sparks fly-yet perhaps only in the beginning.Ghost Cat Anzu showing at: December 11, 4:00 pm
Ghost Cat Anzu

Location: Dendy CanberraLevel 2, North Quarter, Canberra Centre, 148 Bunda Street, Canberra, ACT, 260015

Mirai Moriyama
Munetaka Aoki
Keiichi Suzuki
Noa Gotô
Miwako Ichikawa
Nobuhiro Yamashita
Yôko Kuno
Keiichi Kondo
Hiroyuki Negishi
Pierre Baussaron
Emmanuel-Alain Raynal
Ghost Cat Anzu"
Dendy Canberra